Story about suspicious

Once upon a time(originated africa) there lived a mouse and a frog. They were close friend.

Frog always go to the mouse house to visited him. Play with him and talk to him.

Because he loved to talk with mouse so much. He will hop out from his pond at early morning to visited his mouse friend’s house.

It was not really a big house. It was just a medium-sized cosy hole in the side of a tree 20 minutes away from the place he lived. They would talk about interesting or funny topics, have breakfast together and before noon, the frog would say good-bye and hop on home.

The mouse is so happy that there’s a friend who is always accompany him. His daily visit make the mouse always smile that he is unaware that the frog slowly getting more and more upset with him. The frog slowly turned from close friend to mouse enemy. Certainly the mouse had no any idea about it.

The frog always thinking why the mouse never said he will visited his home? Is he house so dirty that he feel disgusting to take a step? Or because he ashamed to go out with me? Or because I poor he don’t want to go to my house?

After the frog cannot longer withstand it. He plan a scheme for a mouse.

One day he go to his mouse friend’s house as usually. Before the clock tick to 11am he tied the end of a string around his feet and discreetly tied the other end to mouse’s tail.

As the clock needle point to 11am. He stood up and hop on dragging the helpless and shocked mouse behind him . When nearing his pond. He dived deep and dragged the mouse. The mouse struggled to free himself but he couldn’t, soon he sadly drowned. His poor tired body floated to the top of pond.

While the frog success with his plan, suddenly the hawk swooped down swiftly, grabbing the mouse in his talons and flew to the branch of a nearby tree. The frog, of course, was hauled out of the water too! (Lol) He desperately tried to free himself. But he simply couldn’t do it.

Of course hawk first surprised before he joyously end the life of frog. He make mouse for lunch and frog for dinner.

The moral of the story (it’s depend what u see and can get from this story)

1- never suspicious and over thinking.

2- don’t scheme because it will came back to us.

3- Think well of others. Don’t assume the worst in people.


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