Who will follow us to the afterlife??

Once upon a time there’s a king that’s nearing the end of his time life and he has 4 wife.

When he was on his deathbed, he afraid to be alone so he ask them one per one a question.

The king ask the 4th wife which he loved the most and bought her diamond, gold and all the precious things that she loved including elegant dress.

He ask her, “would u like to die and go with me to the afterlife?” The 4th wife replied “I’m sorry I can’t do that and walked away. 😔” .

He also loved his 3rd wife and was very proud with her. He would always show off her beautiful appearance to the neighbouring kingdoms.

So he called his third wife and asked… “Would you accompany me to the afterlife?” The same question that was asked to the 4th wife.

And the 3rd wife replied… “I loved my life to much… I’m sorry I cannot go with you. And when you died I’m going to remarry.”

Second wife has always been there for him in his time of need.. So he still asked the same question.. “would you accompany me to the afterlife? ”

Then 2nd wife replied, I’m sorry I can’t help you out this time. But what I can do is… arrange your funeral and I will be there for your funeral.

When the king mood down, suddenly there’s a voice called out to him. The voice said “I will leave with you and follow you wherever you go even if it is to the afterlife” .

And the King looked… And it was his First wife. But this was the wife that he took care of the least. He felt ashamed and said “I’m sorry, I should have taken more care and given you more attention when I was alived”.

So what can u get from this story.??


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